Higher Education Professional Preparation Summit

Summit Building of the Seattle Convention Center
Tuesday, March 28 Ι 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

The Higher Education Professional Preparation Summit (HEPPS) brings together faculty from PETE/HETE programs across the country to hear from leaders in the field, share their own expertise, and network with colleagues.

This one-day event includes specially curated sessions on hot topics and key trends relevant to the higher education community. The summit will feature the following sessions:

Collegial Discussions About Programming and Teaching in HETE/PETE Programs

SHAPE America’s Professional Preparation Council will kick off the Higher Education Professional Preparation Summit (HEPPS) using a roundtable format on topics that are impacting professional preparation programs across the nation and around the world.

Discussion topics will include quality programing, alternative teacher certification, recruitment and retention, research collaborations, and more.

Join familiar colleagues and meet new ones as we start the one-day Higher Education Professional Preparation Summit.


  • Elizabeth Sharp, Colorado Mesa University
  • Ben Schwamberger, Minnesota State University Mankato
  • Jan Bishop, Central CT State University
  • Leah Ketcheson, Wayne State University
  • LeAnn Olson, East Tennessee State University
  • Tashanna GIllenwater-Catron, Gillenwater & Associates Educational Consulting
  • Stacy Imagbe, Louisiana State University
  • Megan Adkins, University of Nebraska- Kearney

Social Justice in HETE/PETE Programs

Join us for a practical discussion on how to implement social justice in the promotion of equitable health and physical education outcomes for all students. We will talk through the newly released guidance document from SHAPE America, Social Justice in PETE/HETE, and will also share ideas for implementing suggested programmatic, course-level, and pedagogical strategies.


  • Jennifer Walton-Fisette, Kent State University
  • Erin Centeio, University of Hawaii at Manoa
  • Brian Culp, Kennesaw State University
  • Jan Bishop, Central CT State University
  • Michael Hemphill, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • Teasha Jackson, Towson University
  • Martha James, Morgan State University
  • Mara Simon, Springfield College

How to Do Everything in a Small HETE/PETE Program

Do you ever feel overwhelmed trying to do it all in your HETE/PETE program? In this session we will share ideas on using limited resources to create a successful HETE/PETE program. Participants will have the opportunity to share strengths of their program including recruitment and retention, field and student teaching placements, teaching lesson and curriculum development, assessments and resources. All ideas will be shared out to the participants on a Google Doc after the session.


  • Stacy Furness, University of Wisconsin, River Falls
  • Kristin Csiacsek, University of Wisconsin, River Falls

Defining Quality HETE and PETE Programs

SHAPE America recently released the guidance document on quality HETE and PETE programs. In this session, we will discuss some of the practical guidelines and suggestions from the document and give examples from a variety of universities and how they are meeting these guidelines. Join us for a lively discussion and leave with new ideas for your program and courses.


  • Jenny Linker, North Dakota State University
  • Holly Alperin, University of New Hampshire
  • Erin Centeio, University of Hawaii at Manoa
  • Lindsay Armbruster, O’Rourke Middle School in Burnt Hills, NY
  • Korey Boyd, Springfield College, AL
  • Heather Erwin, University of Kentucky
  • Stacy Furness, University of Wisconsin, River Falls
  • Teasha Jackson, Minot State University
  • Elizabeth Sharp, Colorado Mesa University

Faculty and Student Perspectives on Professionalism: Insights From Three Programs

Professional responsibility and cultivating it within teacher candidates is an essential issue for teacher preparation programs. This presentation features faculty and student perspectives surrounding high-impact practices designed to address professionalism.

Attendees will leave this presentation with ideas for stranding faculty and student-endorsed tasks throughout their programs to develop cultural competence, promotion and advocacy, and dispositions. This session will conclude with an open forum for attendees to address emerging challenges facing the development of professional dispositions.


  • Brooke Towner, Appalachian State University
  • Adam Keath, Charleston Southern University
  • James Wyant, West Virginia University

Teaching PETE/HETE Students Advocacy Skills and Strategies

This presentation will demonstrate how one PETE/HETE program prepares its students to advocate for physical education and health education through a systematic and layered approach by integrating skills and strategies in multiple courses in the PETE/HETE preparation program. Strategies, skills, practice tasks, and assignments will be shared.


  • Lynn Johnson, Plymouth State University

Engaging Pedagogy in Higher Education

Do you have bored college students? Are you looking for ideas to spice up your lessons? If so, then this session is for you! Participants in this session will be introduced to innovative ways to teach in general and adapted PETE methods classes.

Participants will then engage in roundtable discussions to share their own strategies. Ideas will be curated in a shared space for participants to access and collaborate on in the future.


  • Ann Hockett, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
  • Kristi Roth, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Supervision of Pre-Service Teachers: Strategies and Practices in PETE Programs

Quality supervision helps enhance pre-service teachers’ reflective ability and teaching competence in various settings. The purpose of this session is to share different supervision strategies and practices using Glickman’s developmental supervision model by several PETE faculty from different programs.

The presenters will introduce their efforts and ideas to infuse observation tools, technology, and approaches to collaborate with different stakeholders for quality supervision. Participants will have opportunities to discuss strategies and practices with other teacher educators.


  • Xiuye Xie, Missouri State University
  • Tanjian Liang, Central Washington University
  • Junyoung Kim, Missouri State University
  • Yung-Ju Chen, Minot State University
  • Xiaoping Fan, SUNY Cortland
  • Yilin Li, California State University, Bakersfield

PETE and HETE: Beg, Borrow and Share

Discuss and share all things PETE/HETE. Tired of going to sessions and having meaningful conversations but come home with “nothing in your hands?” Participate in facilitated conversations regarding teaching tools. Assessments, rubrics, handbooks, skill rubrics, lesson plans ... created in accredited programs that align to SHAPE America National Standards.

These documents have been used, edited, and loved by professionals with more than 70 years in K-12 physical/health education and higher education ... we want to collaborate with you.


  • Tracy Nelson, South Dakota State University
  • Jennifer Peterson, William Penn University
  • Terri Farrar, Pacific Lutheran University
  • Roman Waldera, South Dakota State University

A Census Study of Physical Education and Health Education Teacher Education Programs in the United States

There is a clear and pressing need for teacher educators, administrators, policymakers, and the field at large to have a better understanding of what physical education teacher education (PETE) and health education teacher education (HETE) looks like. In this study, we report on a census of all active undergraduate PETE programs — as well as PETE/HETE programs — in the United States and a more in-depth analysis of one program from each state based on an interview with program coordinators. We present both the demographics of programs as well as the content and organization of PETE and HETE curriculums. These data can provide a basis for policy decisions at a state and national level, as well as individual PETE program judgements about their own program.


  • Phillip Ward, The Ohio State University
  • Won Seok Chey, The Ohio State University
  • Insook Kim, Kent State University
  • Emi Tsuda, West Virginia University
  • Bomna Ko, East Carolina University
  • Dena Deglau, The Ohio State University
  • Kyuil Cho, West Virginia University