November/December 2018


JOPERD: Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance

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  November/December 2018 (Volume 89, Issue 9)

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Table of Contents

Free Access Article
Dispelling the Fog on Post-Concussion Syndrome
Patrick Hughes & Kathe Gabel

Academic performance is an area that is often affected in students who have suffered a concussion. This is especially true in individuals whose symptoms persist for an extended period of time. Post-concussion syndrome can have very detrimental side effects to these students who attempt to re-integrate into school too soon. This article provides information on how to recognize students who may be experiencing post-concussion syndrome, as well as guidelines for a graduated return-to-learn plan. Growing evidence also supports that nutritional factors could play a role in reducing inflammation in the brain after a traumatic injury. Therefore, recommendations are also provided for the consumption of these anti-inflammatory agents that could potentially lead to a quicker reduction in symptoms and an expedited return to the classroom.

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Integrating Web Assessment Technology in Health and Physical Education
Gi-cheol Kim & Rachel Gurvitch

The integration of technology is gaining recognition as an effective teaching method in health and physical education (HPE). While technological infrastructure and equipment limitations have been a huge obstacle to the integration of technology, the “bring your own device” initiatives help with that challenge (Bradford-Networks, 2013). Infrastructure and opportunities for technology adoption are progressing, so that educators have a better chance to utilize technology in their own teaching practices. Given that the integration of technology the HPE field is still in its infancy, it is recommended to provide educators with more information about instructional technologies. The purpose of this article is to introduce a web assessment tool called Kahoot, and to describe its pedagogical applications in HPE settings to facilitate the adequate integration of technology.

Quiet Eye: Practical Applications in Sport and Physical Education
Fabio Fontana, Jacob Digmann, Zachary Prouty, Ashley Klein, Wesley Castro, Alex Lang & Mick Mack

Visual behaviors are often overlooked in sport performance training. The literature suggests that training visual behaviors, such as the quiet eye, can result in better performance across a wide variety of motor skills. The purpose of this article is to provide specific recommendations to physical education teachers and coaches for including quiet-eye training in their practices. Studies have shown that longer quiet eye durations are associated with improved sport performance, but the location of the quiet eye varies from sport to sport. Studies also indicate that experts, novices and children benefited from quiet-eye training, and the effects of the training applied to experimental, competitive and heightened-anxiety situations involving many sports and skills. It is recommended that physical education teachers and coaches include quiet eye training for the acquisition and improvement of motor skills.

Practice Makes Perfect: Practical Experiential Learning in Sport Management
Justin Lovich, Lawrence Brady, Tara Mahoney, & Nicole Scialabba

Practical experiential learning opportunities have become an integral component of linking the theory of academia to the practice of industry. Sport industry officials, for example, have identified the internship as the most important element of a sport management program. In meeting the demands of the industry, the internship has become the most common component of a sport management program’s curriculum. Yet, recent case law has shifted the legal framework in which internships and experiential learning opportunities operate. Following Glatt v. Fox Searchlight Productions, Inc., 811 F.3d 528 (2015), it is important for academic programs to adjust internship curricula to comply with legal frameworks and to ensure that students gain valuable educational opportunities and develop professional skills, without exploitation. This article includes a review of the literature related to sport management internships, as an example of an academic discipline in which experiential learning is vital; examines the legal framework that oversees the internship relationship, including the Fair Labor Standards Act and Glatt; and recommends ways in which internship-related curricula can benefit students and industry alike.

Soccer Across Cultures: An Innovative Course to Develop Physical Education Teachers’ Cultural Competence
Søren Hoyer & Kristoffer Henriksen

Cultural competence is essential for physical education teachers due to the increased cultural diversity in today’s student populations. As a consequence, teacher education programs should aim to facilitate the development of cultural competence. The purpose of this article is to introduce an innovative course called Soccer Across Cultures, which aims to enhance physical education teachers’ coaching skills, soccer skills and cultural competence simultaneously. Soccer is influenced by the surrounding culture and is played and taught differently around the world, which allows students to experiment with culturally diverse coaching and playing styles. Students in the course develop (1) cultural knowledge of four different soccer cultures (England, Italy, Brazil and Spain); (2) the ability to plan and carry out culturally appropriate soccer coaching sessions; and (3) cultural awareness and a greater sensitivity to differences and similarities between cultures — all of which helps them to be more inclusive when teaching physical education in a multicultural setting.

Cultivating Physical Activity Leadership in Schools: A Three-Tiered Approach to Professional Development
Brian Dauenhauer, Russell Carson, Jennifer Krause, Katie Hodgin, Terry Jones & Cyrus Weinberger

Schools are important venues for physical activity (PA) promotion and many are working to develop and sustain high-quality comprehensive school physical activity programs (CSPAPs). Educators interested in serving as PA leaders on school campuses are likely to benefit from continuing professional development (PD) focused on knowledge and skills associated with PA leadership. Over the past decade, a number of national initiatives focused on training PA leaders have been developed and delivered (e.g., DPA certification, PAL Learning System, revised teacher preparation programs). This article reviews some of the PD opportunities available to prospective PA leaders and describes a unique three-tiered approach to PD being offered in Colorado. The approach includes one-day workshops, a one-semester online course, and a two-year master’s program focused on PA leadership — all connected via cooperative content development, collaborative evaluation/data sharing, and shared marketing. The model being delivered in Colorado may serve as an example for other states interested in enhancing their PA leadership-development opportunities.


Recent Rulings from the Courts Affecting HPERD Professionals: The Case of the Rapping Teen
Robyn Lubisco, Genevieve F.E. Birren & Fernando A. Alonso

A student was suspended from high school for a rap song he recorded and posted on the Internet which mentioned two coaches by name and violent acts to be committed against those coaches. The student filed suit, claiming a violation of his First Amendment rights.

Second-Language Acquisition in High School Physical Education Archery Class
Michael Mucedola

This article outlines a teaching method for learning a second language while practicing archery skills that is aligned with the national standards in both content areas.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Using Photos to Become Health Advocates
Erin Lumpkins

This article outlines a unit called A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, which attempts to leverage students’ penchant for documenting and sharing every aspect of their lives to engage them in social change.

Healthy Behaviors: The Role of Health Education and Physical Education
Catherine Cardina & Alisa R. James

This article described how health and physical educators can use the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model as a means of helping children and youth to make good decisions regarding healthy behaviors.

Team Sports Belong in High School Physical Education Programs
Tyler G. Johnson

The purpose of this editorial is to investigate the claims that team sports are not lifetime activities and that high school students are not interested in team sports.