Tuesday, April 9, 8-10 PM, Marriott Grand Salon E & F

What do you get when you cross a mystery kit of great PE equipment, a team of health and physical educators, and limited time for building lesson plans and activities? The SHAPE America #PhysEdChopped Challenge at #SHAPETampa!

This interactive and collaborative team-building event is hosted by SHAPE America and presented by co-creators, physical educators Sarah Gietschier-Hartman; @GHSaysRockChalk and Betsey Caldwell; @SEA_PETeacher.

Each member of the winning team will receive a full equipment package, including each of the 12 mystery items to be used during the competition.  Thank you to Gopher, the official equipment sponsor of the SHAPE America #PhysEdChopped Challenge. 

Gopher will also be providing (3) $250 gift cards that will be raffled between each of the three competition rounds!

  • Teams of teachers will compete in a three-round single-elimination tournament.
  • Each round will feature a wacky combination of PE equipment.
  • The teams will be expected to use all of the equipment to create a game or activity that fits within the theme of each round. Judges will evaluate each activity based on creativity, use of the equipment, and presentation.
  • Teams will be "chopped” from the competition at the end of each round until one team is named The #PhysEdChopped Champions at #SHAPETampa!
  • 8 teams with 6 team members each will be accepted.
  • To sign-up, each team's captain will need to register on behalf of the entire team. The registration form requires a team name; the team captain's name, Twitter handle, and email address; and the names of the other five team members.
  • A link to the official registration Google Form will be tweeted by Sarah Gietschier-Hartman; @GHSaysRockChalk on March 15 at 9:30pm ET.
  • Team sign-ups are on a first come, first served basis, and spots fill quickly!
  • The registration Google Form will close once 8 teams have registered.
  • The judges are Jamie Sparks (from SHAPE America), Matt Ginskey (from Gopher), and Megan McCollom (Past-President of MNSHAPE).

Winning Team..
The winning team will be named the SHAPE America #PhysEdChopped Champions at #SHAPETampa and each member will receive an equipment package provided by Gopher, our official equipment sponsor.  Follow #PhysEdChopped for all the action!


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